Since 1993
RFK: His Words for Our Times
Edited and Introduced by C. Richard Allen & Edwin O. Guthman
In honor of the 50th anniversary of Robert Kennedy’s death on June 6th, RFK: His Words for Our Times edited and introduced by Rick Allen and Edwin O. Guthman (William Morrow Hardcover), is an inspiring collection of RFK’s most famous speeches, with substantial contextual narrative, and accompanied by introductory commentary from notable historians and public figures, including Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Howard Schultz, Desmond Tutu, Eric Garcetti, Marian Wright Edelman, and Bono.
As citizens search for leadership that is both inspirational and practical, and a vision of America that is compelling across the divides of race, gender, age and personal circumstances, Robert Kennedy’s words and Presidential campaign are increasingly studied as a road map and a catalyst, providing a complete picture of this legacy, centered on Kennedy’s speeches on civil rights and social justice, war and the quest for peace, poverty and the power of work, and the common aspirations that can unify Americans.